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Monday, November 10, 2008

My razor scooter Reviews

Our Featured razor scooter Writer

Additionalrazor scooter Ideas

Double check all connections, then crank for 10-15 seconds. Did it start? Do you hear any popping, like the engine is trying to run? Most scooters will not start if you apply throtte while cranking. Honda scooters tend to start easier if you apply throttle just as the engine catches. Most Yamaha scooters will not accept any throttle at all until they warm up a bit. If the scooter catches, but doesn't start, let it rest ~15 seconds before trying again.
Buy a honda scooter today!

More razor scooter Info

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Sun, 02 Nov 2008 23:59:00 GMT
Computer stolen: Someone stole a laptop computer from a Dewey Avenue residence on Oct. 15. A side door, which was usually unlocked, was locked when the resident returned home ...

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Dispatch Online, South Africa -Sapa-AP TWO men on a motorcycle grabbed a housewife, pulled out a machete and cut off the hair she had been growing for two decades. ...
